Sharon A. Fox - 10 Minute Recipe For A Perfect Screenplay

Learn screenplay writing and structure if you have any interest in the filmmaking industry.
The money is there. It is available to you. Producers are looking for great screenplays. Be the goose that lays the golden screenplay. The whole world will thank you.
When you have that great screenplay it doesn't matter where you are located. A truly great screenplay will find it's way to the silver screen.
Sharon A. Fox recommends 7 books that will help you write a great screenplay. I have read a majority of the books she has mentioned. If you aren't familiar with the Hero's Journey, you owe it to yourself to become familiar with it.
Other tips she mentions in the video are to learn the dynamics of family relations and write strong roles for women. Sharon cites Nia Vardalos as one of her idols. Vardolos wrote the indie gem My Big Fat Greek Wedding and took home a few awards for it.
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